Folder containing bibliography files

Folder containing bibliography files

The files must be in the bibtex format.

Updating the bibliography, as of Dec 2023

The updated biblio was exported from the Zotero collection “My papers” as a bibtex file: 2023-12_My_papers.bib

# First install the required library bibtextparser:
conda activate webenv

# Create an output directory to store the generated md:
mkdir results_12_2023

# Then run the script:
python ../scripts/ 2023-12_My_papers.bib results_12_2023/

# Then copy the publications in the right folder, to add publications to the website:
cp results_12_2023/*.md ../_publications/

conda deactivate

How to create corresponding md files?

Nelle created a Python script to parse and generate automatically md files from a bibtex bibliography file. To run it:

# Activate a dedicated virtual environment?
conda create --name webenv
conda activate webenv

# First install the required library bibtextparser:
conda install -c conda-forge bibtexparser

# Create an output directory to store the generated md:
mkdir results_03_2023

# Then run the script:
python ../scripts/ 2023-03_MyPapers.bib results_03_2023/

# Then copy the publications in the right folder, to add publications to the website:
cp results_03_2023/*.md ../_publications/